Africa Centre (AC)
Their Vision is to establish an African Centre that will serve as the hub of the community and provide an atmosphere which is welcoming, that shows respect for diversity and that supports all members of all interests and abilities.
Edmonton Multicultural Coalition (EMC)
The genesis of the Edmonton Multicultural Coalition can be traced to an innovative project in 2002 aimed at developing civic space and engagement for ethno-cultural communities in the City of Edmonton.
The Coalition is an intercultural and inter-sectoral initiative bringing together members and leaders from ethno-cultural communities to participate meaningfully in the economic and civic life of their neighbourhoods and communities.
Multicultural Health Brokers Cooperative (MCHB)
For almost 2 decades, the Multicultural Health Brokers Cooperative have been helping expectant and new parents, and their families.
Centre for Race and Culture (CFRAC)
The Centre for Race and Culture works within the community to promote and support individual, collective, and systemic change to address racism and encourage intercultural understanding.
The Centre provides training and education, organizational development, strategic planning in diversity management, employment equity, cultural audits, development of diverse teams, non-profit organizational capacity building, program design, logic model development, proposal writing, and diverse board development.
Filipino-Canadian Saranay Association of Alberta (FCSAA)
Saranay is a Filipino maxim, which means "to help and to serve others" Our association welcomes all nationalities, not only Filipinos, who share deeply rooted values of caring, and compassion for our fellowmen
Council of Canadians of African Caribbean Heritage (CCACH)
Changing Together (CT)
Founded in 1984, Changing Together is a non-profit, charitable organization operated by immigrant women for immigrant women.
They run the Making Changes Program which is a pre-employment, life skill orientation program with an English component. Their Volunteer Support Program is the only program in the City of Edmonton specifically designed to serve immigrant women by helping them to acquire new skills in their new country, and eventually to secure employment of their choice in Canada.
Intercultural Child and Family Centre (ICFC)
The vision of the Intercultural Child and Family Centre is to be a recognized model and voice for children and families from diverse cultural backgrounds and experiences, where all are welcome.
Gabriela Mistral Latin American School (GMLAS)
Chinese Cultural Promotion Society (CCPS)
The Chinese Cultural Promotion Society (CCPS) is a registered non-profit organization established by Mandarin-speaking immigrants from Mainland China for the purpose of mutual support and community development among Mandarin-speaking individuals and families in Edmonton.
International Heritage and Language Association (IHLA)
IHLA offers a variety of supports to schools which include networking advice, professional development, advertisement, and the mentorship program. We also support all kinds of teachers (Canadian- trained, internationally trained, and volunteer) so that they offer meaningful lessons to their students. This includes teacher training, the IHLA Newsletter, professional development, and career support and advice. IHLA offers supports to students and their families with the annual Mother Language Day Celebration & the MLD Book.
Creating Hope Society (CHS)
Creating Hope Society CHS) is a non-profit society established to recognize that the sixties and seventies child welfare scoop of Aboriginal children is a continuation of the Residential School era. It believes that it is time to halt the cycle of Aboriginal children being separated from their families and communities.
Multicultural Family Resource Society (MFRS)
The Multicultural Family Resource Society is a non-profit organization committed to improving the well-being of immigrant and refugee children, youth, and families.
In 2012, approximately 150 youth attended programs regularly with the help of youth leaders and community volunteers.