The Edmonton Intercultural Centre is actively seeking Non-Profit Organizations to occupy vacant cubicle desk spaces in the "Shared Community Office Space" within the EIC facility.
No Long Term Lease ... All Inclusive Rate (Heat, Power, Internet, Custodial, Mail Box)
All Included In Reasonable Monthly Rate
An Application Process is Required.
Please call (780) 756-2655
email: [email protected]
for an application and/or more information.
Edmonton Intercultural Centre
Board of Directors (2023-2024)
Edmonton Intercultural Centre is currently accepting nominations for Board Members.
EIC is supported by the City of Edmonton and governed by a board of directors. It is home to non-profit organizations sharing a similar mandate or vision of intercultural sharing and learning, equity and diversity, and anti-racism. The vision of EIC is to create a centre for learning, research, recreation, and the arts that reflects and capitalizes on the rich diversity in the McCauley community and the City of Edmonton.
EIC is home to 13 like-minded Non-Profit Organizations.
- Centre for Race and Culture (CFRAC)
- Changing Together (CT)
- Chinese Cultural Promotion Society (CCPS)
- Creating Hope Society (CHS)
- Edmonton Multicultural Coalition (EMC)
- Filipino Canadian Saranay Association of Alberta (FCSAA)
- Francophonie Albertaine Plurielle (FRAP)
- Gabriela Mistral Latin American Society (GMLAS)
- International and Heritage Language Association (IHLA)
- Intercultural Child and Family Centre (ICFC)
- Multicultural Family Resource Society (MFRS)
- Multicultural Health Brokers Cooperative (MCHB)
- Ribbon Rouge Foundation (RRF)
We welcome self-nominations and hope to see broad representation on the board including from the member-tenants, frequent user groups, the McCauley Community, and the wider Edmonton community who shares our aspiration to promote diversity, equity, and intercultural engagement.
Vision: Edmonton, an intercultural community
Mission: Edmonton Intercultural Centre fosters a dynamic model of intercultural engagement
The Submission Date for Email Nominations is May 23rd, 2023
See Attached Board Application
Edmonton Intercultural Centre (EIC) - Board Application
Thank you for considering sharing your time, talents, and skills with the Edmonton Intercultural Centre.
The time commitment involves one, two-hour, board meeting per month, as well as committee work outside the board meetings.
Candidates Name:
Mailing Address:
City: Province: Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Current Employer / Position:
Relevant Experience and/or Employment. Please Attach a Resume.
Please Circle the area(s) of expertise/contribution you feel you can make to further the mission of the Edmonton Intercultural Centre:
Fundraising Policy Development Special Events Human Resources
Facility Management Evaluation Strategic Planning Technology
Political Connection: Provincial Federal Municipal
Please list prior experience/s serving as a Board Member for other non-profit organizations:
What other volunteer commitments do you currently have?
Why are you interested in serving as a Board Member for the Edmonton Intercultural Centre?
Please share any other information you feel is important for consideration of your application to serve the Edmonton Intercultural Centre:
For EIC Board Use.
A) Nominee has had a personal meeting with the Board Chair or Nominations Committee Chair or another Board Member: Date:
B) Nominee reviewed by the Committee: Date:
C) Nominee proposed to the Board: Date:
D) Board action elected/rejected: Date:
Grand Opening – May 29/2015